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                             Tree Branch: Nature's Warning to Humanity I & II

Tree Branch I is a fixed media version of an intermedia audio-visual composition created to honor the silent whispers and beauty of the tree branch. In doing so, it also conveys nature’s paradoxical messages to the current state of humanity while offering healing energy. 

Tree Branch II is an interactive audio-visual multimedia performance whereby improvisational sound from violin and cello affects the abstract line drawings on the screen (similar to Korean traditional line drawing)  to recreate the new tree branches to represent the growth, renewal, and movement from nature. Overall, this audiovisual composition conveys nature’s dire warning message to the current state of humanity while celebrating beauty and life force. 

Music composition, Violin Performance, Drawing from Sound, Concept- Cecilia Suhr

Technical Support: Hans Tammen, Ned Rush


Premiere at SEAMUS 2021 "Twelve" Concert by CCRMA, April 23, 9pm.

Tree Branch I: Fixed Media Version

Tree Branch II: Interactive Sound Drawing Version

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